Filtres à particules ou coalescents ?
Here at Classic Filters we offer many solutions for your filter problems and the two key types of filters that many of our customers ask us about are our particulate and coalescing filtration systems. So, particulate or coalescing filters?
The Difference Between Particulate and Coalescing Filters
Particulate Filtration is the removal of solid particles from a gas or liquid. The liquid or gas flows through the element from the outside to inside to maximise the service life.

The size of the particle removed depends upon the grade of the filter element and we can offer a size range from very high efficiency 0.1 micron grades to 200 micron.
Coalescing Filtration is the separation of two ‘phases’, for example the removal of water aerosols and droplets from a gas. Using a coalescing filter element installed in a housing with three ports, the wet gas sample passes though element inside to outside. The inner capture layer is a high efficiency coalescing layer and the outer is a coarser drainage layer.

The fine fibres of the inner layer capture the fine liquid aerosols and droplets and they run together along the fibres to form large drops within the depth of the element. These large drops are then forced to the outside of the filter element and then drain to the bowl of the housing by gravity.
Coalescing filter elements will also remove particulates at the same efficiency as particulate type elements of the same grad, but the opposite can not be done so do not use a particulate element for the use of a coalescing element.
Share Your Filtration Stories – We are trying to get people to share their experiences of using filters in extreme places and conditions. If you have a good filtration problem story please share it with us here or via email.
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